Sunday, June 29, 2008

Creation Museum

How funny is this!

We took the girls to a museum that talked about the biblical creation of the world . It answered a lot of questions for us and was really neat.

Great wolf Lodge

Great Wolf Lodge is an indoor water park and lodge. They have a game called Magiquest that you can play. You have to purchase a wand and then it is a 3-d interactive scavenger hunt around the halls of the lodge where you find clues to obtain powers and weapons to defeat a dragon, a goblin, and then return the ferries jewels. If you do all of this you will become the "Master Magi."

We had a great time at the water park and also running around playing the game. I am so proud of my little dragon slayers!!

The girls room looked like a wolfs den on the outside and had bunk beds and a t.v. on the inside.It was really cool.

Katie's 5th birthday

Katie had such a good time on her brithday. She had a Tinker Bell cake and she had some of her friends and family there to help her celebrate.
Isn't this a wild bunch?
Everyone got into opening the presents. The water balloon toss was a big hit. Our neighbor Karen took one of our kitchen chairs that we were going to throw away and made Kate this neat chair to put in her room. I know it's hard to see but she painted it and put Katie's name on it.

Friday, June 06, 2008

Playing ball with Pappy

"Kate are you ready?"
"Keep your eye on the ball.'
Pappy rode both of the girls on his scooter home after playing at his house one afternoon and they talked him into playing ball before he left.
Pap was a good pitcher and Camo and Kate showed him what they are made of.

Starting off summer with a bang!

Katie and Cameron at her preschool graduation
I got a little teary eyed when I saw how sweet Kate looked when she was praying
Camo got to experience her first field day.
She needs a little more practice on the hula hoop
Are they rotten or what?

So far this summer has stared off well. We weren't sure if the weather was ever going to warm up enough for us to get in the pool and then just when we least expect it the heat wave arrives. So far we've went to Holiday World a few times, played t-ball, and are getting ready to go to Cincinnati to Great Wolf Lodge for a few days.

The girls are growing up so fast and they are doing things t hat amaze us all the time. Camo has developed into this little swimmer. I am glad she has taken off but man it scares me that she has no fear.

Kate is starting to venture out on her own. She will hang on to the sides of the pool and let go a little but she is way more cautious than Camo. Katie will start Kindergarten in the Fall and she cannot wait. I always said I could not wait to get a little time to myself but now that it is here I'm not so sure I'm ready.