Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Thursday, September 02, 2010
Monday, March 22, 2010
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
What a crazy summer!
We have had a very eventful summer. We've been on vacation, gone swimming, and played a lot of ball.
Katie has had a summer she will never forget, first she had to get glasses,( which she looks adorable in) and she got hit in the eye by a baseball bat all in the same week. This was our first trip to he Dr. for an injury. Cameron was playing t-ball and when she swung thru katie bent down behind her. I know your wondering if it was an accident but they both assured me that it was purely accidental. Luckily Kate did not have her new glasses on!
Camo has just been Camo. Wild and playful and talkative!! She did get a perm in her hair and it looks so sweet!
We also got to visit with Steve, Sarah, Aunt Liza, and Baby Nate. We've just had ourselves a really good time this summer.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Great wolf Lodge
Great Wolf Lodge is an indoor water park and lodge. They have a game called Magiquest that you can play. You have to purchase a wand and then it is a 3-d interactive scavenger hunt around the halls of the lodge where you find clues to obtain powers and weapons to defeat a dragon, a goblin, and then return the ferries jewels. If you do all of this you will become the "Master Magi."
We had a great time at the water park and also running around playing the game. I am so proud of my little dragon slayers!!
The girls room looked like a wolfs den on the outside and had bunk beds and a t.v. on the inside.It was really cool.
Katie's 5th birthday
Katie had such a good time on her brithday. She had a Tinker Bell cake and she had some of her friends and family there to help her celebrate.
Isn't this a wild bunch?
Everyone got into opening the presents. The water balloon toss was a big hit. Our neighbor Karen took one of our kitchen chairs that we were going to throw away and made Kate this neat chair to put in her room. I know it's hard to see but she painted it and put Katie's name on it.